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Marked by Pain Page 15

  Turning my head, I see the rebels rushing forward, and Kelly is dragged with them. I feel drowsy, but shouldn’t I be dead? I thought using the twelfth mark kills you, and the portal is right there, I should be dead… Dead…Ryan! I have to help him!

  I pull myself into a standing position, and push through the marked that are staring at the portal with wide eyes. Once I reach my brother, I fall to my knees next to him, throwing my hands over the wound in his stomach trying to stop the blood. It slips through my fingers and runs down onto my dress. The rain pours down even heavier than before, and I can feel my wet hair sticking to the sides of my face and the back of my neck, but I don’t care.

  “Please be okay, please,” I whisper, tears streaming down my face.

  “Forgive me,” he whispers, and I realise I’ve seen this all before. Kelly’s vision. Gods, please no.

  “There's nothing to forgive, just don't die, okay? I love you, so you can’t die,” I reply. My hands glow as I call on my healing, putting all my strength into it. My healing mark burns on my skin, so fucking hot I scream. I can hear shouts, familiar voices, but I fall back as all the marks on my body begin to burn. I stare down at the marks on my wrists, gaping in disbelief as they begin to fade, leaving my skin bare. I’m no longer marked.

  The cliff shakes once more, a massive quake, and I stare down at Ryan as his head falls to the side.

  “NO!” I scream, shaking him and begging for my healing mark to come back, for anyone to help. But no one comes. Everything in me just breaks as I fall backwards collapsing, my eyes closing but the image of my brother dying never leaves my mind.

  “She’s coming around,” I hear Kelly sob, “I won’t lose her too, I’d die first,” she says. I sit up with a gasp, feeling every part of me hurting a little but it’s not too bad. Kelly is sitting next to me, tears pouring down her face as she sobs into her hands. I look in front of me to see my mum holding Ryan close to her and I can’t seem to look away as she turns to me but is silent.

  “Who?” I ask, standing up shaky with Kelly’s help and the sight in front of me is madness.

  “He died to save me, didn’t he?” Kelly whispers, and I give her a shaky nod, not trusting my words.

  “Go, I have your brother and will keep him safe. Help them destroy Alaric,” my mum finally says, holding him close, and I know it’s pointless to point out she can’t keep him safe now. He is dead but one look at my mum, just makes me realise that she is right. Ryan can’t die for nothing.

  “Oh god Ry,” she says, covering her face with her hands as she cries. I hold her to me, trying not to cry myself as I look around. Rebels and marked are fighting each other, the portal is open, showing a land full of massive trees and what looks like a rain forest. The cliff is falling apart, slowly bits of it are flying into the portal from the pressure. I slam us both to the floor as a giant wave of fire shoots through the sky above our heads. Kelly rolls next to me, looking around like I am.

  “It’s madness, I can’t see a thing,” I tell her.

  “Them,” Kelly points to my left, where right on the edge of the cliff is Mr Daniels, East, and the twins fighting my father and ten other rebels. They are being pushed back with every attack against them, and not landing any hits on my father at all by the looks of it. I run towards them, only to get hit by a wave of air that sends me flying. I bounce across the floor, trying to call my marks as I roll to stop and remember I don’t have them anymore.

  “Kenzie!” I hear shouted through the fighting, and I pull myself up, and then duck as a large rock floats above my head and towards the portal. I turn around in a circle, not seeing anyone I know and then I spot my guys again, this time Kelly is with them, leaning on the floor and healing someone I can’t see. Someone has put a ward up around them all, and the rebels are throwing fire and water at it constantly, making it impossible to really see them. I watch as my father leans down on the ground, placing his hands in the ground and the ground cracks. I run towards them, but I’m too late as my father uses his earth mark to throw the ground, that Kelly and the guys are on, straight into the portal. I hear them shout, Kelly scream, and then there’s an eerie silence.

  “No!” I shout, running straight at my father and he turns, smiling at me. He lifts his hand, using his air mark to control my body, and pull it towards him. I fight, struggling against him but it’s no use. I’m basically human now.

  “My daughter, how very useful you are, but we have a problem. I can’t trust you, I wish I could,” he says, pulling me closer to him, and then turning us around.

  “Have fun in Ariziadia, I’m sure the marked people there will be welcoming to you,” he says and then lets me go over the cliff. I scream, stretching my hands out and catching anything I can, and finally grabbing something.

  My fingers scrape across the ledge, holding on as the portal behind me pulls me to it. I glance down, only regretting doing so as I see the swirling blue portal and my grip on the edge of the stone slips. I hold in a scream as I try to get a better grip, only the blood on my hands is making it impossible to hold on. The stupid white dress I’m wearing only makes it harder for me to use my feet to climb up.

  “Kenzie!” I hear Enzo shouting my name. I try to look up, only to have to use my hand to push a piece of rock that flies at my head away from me. I know Enzo won’t stop looking for me, even in all the madness of the flying pieces of rocks that are being pulled into the portal, and the chance he could die before he finds me.

  “Enzo, here!” I shout back, and I see him look over the edge of the cliff I fell down. Enzo jumps, landing right in front of me on the ledge and reaches down, pulling me up into his arms.

  “I’ve got you, it’s okay,” he says and gently kisses my forehead.

  “No, it’s too late, Ryan is dead, the portal is open, and everyone fell in the portal to god knows where,” I mumble, shaking my head and Enzo squeezes me tighter.

  “You couldn’t have changed anything about what happened,” I hear Enzo say, but I’m too distracted to tell him he is wrong as someone jumps down, and lands next to us. Enzo turns us so he is slightly in front of me as we face my father. He stands there, with his long coat blowing in the wind and a happy expression. He won.

  “It’s your fault,” I spit out and he laughs.

  “Good bye, Mackenzie. Thank you for everything you have done for this world, but I’m afraid we don’t need you anymore,” he says in a cruel, emotionless voice. I’m too late to try and stop him when he shoots a blast of air at me and Enzo, sending us flying off the edge of the ledge, and down into the portal. The last thing I see is Enzo pulling me to his chest and his dark eyes as he looks down at me.


  The Story continues in book 3, Marked by Destruction.

  About the Authors:

  Cece Rose is the proud owner of one dog, four turtles and one annoying boyfriend.

  She hails from Devon in the South-West of England but dreams of sunny skies and sand between her toes. Although, whenever abroad she will moan about the heat and the sand that gets everywhere.

  She has largely convinced all who know her that she is a vampire, mainly due to her nocturnal habits. In reality, it’s because her creativity only ever strikes when the sky is dark, and the stars are shining. (Plus, it’s actually quiet enough to concentrate on writing.)

  You can find Cece on Facebook and Twitter. And don’t forget to join her Demon Den!

  G. Bailey lives in rainy (sometimes sunny) England with her husband, two children, one slightly strange cat.

  When she isn't writing (which is unusual), she can be found reading one of the many books in her house or talking to her amazing readers.

  She has a slight addiction to Ben & Jerry's ice cream and chocolate.

  Please feel free to stalk her, in her group, Bailey’s Pack.


  PS. A big thank you to Kayla Erickson, for helping us find a name for a certain character.

  Other Titles b
y Cece Rose

  The Desdemona Chronicles-

  A Demon’s Blade (Book One)

  A Demon’s Debt (Book Two)

  An Angel’s Defiance (Coming Soon)

  Fated Serial

  Fractured Fate (Part One)

  Twisted Fate (Part Two)

  Rejecting Fate (Part Three)

  Accepting Fate (Coming soon)

  The Last Siren’s Song

  Blood Sea (Book One)

  Blood Moon (Coming Soon)

  Souls of Creatures Series

  Vengeance (Book One)

  Justice (Coming Soon)

  Snow and Seduction Anthology

  Snowflake (standalone)

  The Marked Series - with G. Bailey

  Marked by Power (Book One)

  Marked by Pain (Book Two)

  Marked by Destruction (Book Three)

  Other Titles by G. Bailey

  The King Brothers Series-

  Izzy’s Beginning (Book one)

  Sebastian’s Chance (Book two)

  Elliot’s Secret (Book three)

  Harley’s Fall (Book Four)

  Luke’s Revenge (Coming soon)

  Her Guardians Series-

  Winter’s Guardian (Book one)

  Winter’s Kiss (Book two)

  Winter’s Promise (Book three)

  Winter’s War (Book Four)

  Her Fate Series-

  (Her Guardians Series spinoff)

  Adelaide’s Fate (Coming soon)

  Saved by Pirates Series-

  Escape the sea (Book One)

  Love the sea (Book Two)

  Save the sea (Coming soon)

  One Night series-

  Strip for me (Book one)

  Live for Me (Coming soon)

  The Marked Series (Co-written with Cece Rose)-

  Marked by Power (Book one)

  Marked by Pain (Book two)

  Marked by Destruction (Book Three)

  Snow and Seduction anthology-

  Triple Kisses

  The Forest Pack series-

  Run Little Wolf- (Book One)

  Protected by Dragons series-

  Wings of Ice- (Book One)

  Wings of Fire (Coming Soon)

  Please continue reading for two short samples of individual works from the authors!

  You can pre-order Blood Sea on amazon now by clicking here.

  You can pre-order Wings of Ice on amazon now by clicking here.

  Blood Sea

  Don't go in the water; Never go out at night.

  For in the seas and darkness, are creatures that will bite.

  I've always been drawn to the water, sneaking away to swim in the hidden cove. I know the dangers, but the water calls to me, its song luring me into the depths.

  All my life I've been home by dark, but just once I want to swim in the moonlight. The vampires haven't come to our isle in years anyway, it's a stupid precaution to stay inside.

  How could I know that the one night I choose to take a moonlit swim, the waters around our island would run red with blood?

  Blood Sea Prologue

  His black pupils dilate wide, covering the blue irises of his eyes and stretching out to fill the whites, so all I can see is black. I try to dart away, but he grips my shoulders tightly, holding me firmly in place. “Do not fucking talk to me like that, Azula. You have no power here. This is my ship, and you will do as I say.”

  “I'll talk however I damn well please, you aren't my captain,” I retort brazenly. I regret the words after they've left my mouth, though, as his grip tightens on my shoulders. The thought occurs to me that I should probably be a lot more afraid than I am, and I should definitely start acting a little smarter if I want to make it out of here alive.

  “While you’re aboard my ship, I’m the authority because I’m the captain. I am the fucking god of all that lies aboard this vessel. Do you understand me, Azula?” he asks. His voice is low, not needing to shout to make his point. The power in his words is enough on its own. Shaking slightly in his grip, I manage to nod, licking my suddenly dry lips to moisten them. “Tell me that you understand,” he demands, my nod clearly not enough for him.

  My mouth feels so dry as I try to summon words. I can barely breathe, my heart racing with fear. I can't look away from his pitch-black eyes, and I couldn't even move if I did try with his hands keeping me in place.

  “I understand,” I whisper.

  “I understand, Captain,” he corrects me, and he leans down closer, his face inches from mine as he does.

  “I understand... Captain,” I choke out. He draws away, releasing me and stepping back a few paces.

  “You will stay in here and not cause any trouble until we reach land. Once there you will leave, and I or my crew will never see you again, do you understand?” he questions.

  “I understand perfectly.” He steps closer again and my heart jumps in my chest from fright. “I understand perfectly, Captain,” I correct myself, taking a deep breath in and out.

  “Good. There's a bed behind the curtain there, rest for now. Whatever you do, do not cut yourself on anything. You cannot let your blood spill. If it does, I will not be able to keep the crew away from you,” he says as he heads for the door.

  “Yes, Captain,” I reply quietly, and he nods, hearing my words. “How far away from land are we? And what port do we near?” I ask, my voice coming back to me easier now that he's on the other side of the cabin and about to leave.

  “A few days at most, depending on the winds. We are passing by Asmia, and it is there we will leave you before continuing on our way,” he answers. “Now sleep,” he commands, leaving and closing the door with a slam behind him.

  Blood Sea Chapter One

  Smiling across the dinner table at James, I ignore our two fathers’ droning on about the merchant ships troubles at seas, not that I ever really pay much attention. James is dressed more formally than usual—the mix of white, black, and bright, royal blue standing out against his sun-kissed skin and pale eyes. His usually messy, dark blond hair has been tamed, the natural highlights showing off even more than usual. I feel his foot nudge mine under the table, I nudge his back and bite my lip to keep in laughter from the amused look on his face.

  “Azula, are you listening to what Mr Burcham has said?” my father asks me, snapping my attention away from James.

  “Sorry? What was that, Mr Burcham, I didn’t quite catch it?” I ask, smiling innocently. My father sighs, not falling for it for an instant. I tune back out as James’ father starts talking again. I take a sip of the ridiculous wine they brought over to be polite. It tastes like bath salts and I try not to gag as I swallow it.

  “Azula,” my father says again.

  “Yes, daddy?” I ask, turning back to face him again.

  “Do you have anything to say about what Mr Burcham has kindly repeated for you?” he asks. I shrug.

  “Not really,” I reply, taking another sip of the fowl wine to escape more small talk. As much as I enjoy James’ company, his father is a total bore and speaks about the same topics every time they come for dinner. Thankfully, I learnt to tune out the drivel years ago; James had too.

  “Do you not find it the least bit concerning that…blah blah blah,” I tune him back out. What is there to possibly find concerning about the state of affairs more than usual. The seas run red with blood, and we hide in our homes at night. We’re terrified victims just waiting to slip up. I’m sick of it, I want to live and do as I please. Better to enjoy a short life than to loathe every minute of a long one. There is nothing interesting about our small island, I want to explore and see the world, but my father barely lets me out of the house. My chances of ever escaping Carysi are minimal at best. Our closest neighbouring island, Smoke, is uninhabited, due to the volcanic activity that has wrecked any previous attempt at life there. The second closest is Eska. Eska is the home to trade, and bustling streets, or so James tells me. One day, I will get to see it, I won’t let him stop me.
Just because of the near constant raids on the sea boarding towns and ports, they think it’s no place for a woman to go. When I argue that women do live in those towns, the response is always they’re a different kind of woman. I barely resist huffing aloud at the thought.

  “I’m feeling quite full; would you mind letting me be excused?” I ask, already standing. My father sighs again, scratching at the grey stubble on his face.

  “Fine, sweetheart, but stay inside the manor; it’ll be dark soon.”

  “Of course, I was just thinking of going to read in the library,” I reply, knowing full well he will never go in there and check. He never steps into that room, he says it reminds him too much of my mother. I walk across and place a kiss on his cheek, before striding out the room, certain that James will quickly follow.

  I wait at the end of the corridor, and sure enough, a few minutes later James exits the room and meets me at the edge. I slide my hands into his and draw him close. Leaning up and placing a kiss to lips quickly, before pulling away and stepping back.